ByWinner Medical
Venous leg ulcers are also called venous stasis ulcers. It is a common chronic skin necrosis and lesion, usually occurring on the inner side of the shank. The incidence rate of venous leg ulcers is about 5.1%, which is common in the elderly. As the global population ages, this number is still on the rise.[1]
Cure or symptom relief depends on prompt, correct treatment. Wound care dressing solutions are beneficial for treating venous leg ulcers as they preserve moisture, encouraging healing while protecting wounds from outside pollutants and lowering infection and maceration dangers.
Understanding the Venous Leg Ulcer
Venous leg ulcers develop because of prolonged damage to the leg. It can be caused by chronic venous insufficiency.
1. What Causes Venous Leg Ulcer
Venous leg ulcers may root from various causes. Generally, damaged or dysfunctional valves in the leg veins are the main cause. This is known as chronic venous insufficiency. It prevents veins from efficiently pumping blood back to the heart. The impaired pumping allows blood to build up in the lower legs, applying continuous pressure on adjacent skin and soft tissue. It is called sustained venous hypertension. Ultimately, the prolonged pressure leads to swelling, inflammation, skin breakdown, and the formation of ulcers.[2]
2. Risks Due to Improper Handling
Certain behaviors can increase risks related to venous leg ulcers if not properly managed. Failing to elevate the legs can worsen swelling and increase blood stagnation in the lower limbs. Tight clothing or leg garments may further block blood flow and slow healing. Disturbing an ulcer can prolong healing or raise the chances of wound infection. Moreover, if left untreated, it may lead to complications such as pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis, posing a threat to the patient's life.
How to Treat Venous Leg Ulcer?
Venous leg ulcers can vary significantly based on their grade and associated symptoms. Treatment like wound care dressing depends on a thorough evaluation and grading of each case.
Grade 1
Grade 1 of venous leg ulcer refers to capillary dilation or reticular vasodilation in the legs. The symptoms at this stage include minor changes in the skin's appearance. Treatment is not usually required as the skin maintains a normal appearance. It is important to avoid long periods of sitting or standing and raising the lower limbs during rest. A foam dressing can be used on the heels to prevent further issues.
Grade 2
Grade 2 involves the development of protruding varicose veins in the legs. Signs include visible varicose veins under the skin. Treatment at this stage aims to prevent the worsening of the condition by alternating between standing, lifting legs, and periods of rest. Raising the lower limbs aids the treatment process. Elastic bandages and socks, wound care dressing on the heels, and general foam dressings can help relieve stress and slow down the pace of deterioration.
Grade 3
Grade 3 sees a lump begin to affect the calf area. Swelling in the calves is a key symptom. Treatment may require surgery during the optimal period or the use of elastic socks. After any surgery, dressings like hydro-colloid help protect the healing skin. Other wound care solutions, such as foam dressing and bordered silicone foam dressing with SAF, can absorb exudate and reduce peri-wound maceration. Moreover, it offers a breathable, waterproof, bacteria-resistant wound environment.
Grade 4
In Grade 4, skin symptoms such as discoloration and itching emerge. Treatment at this advanced stage normally involves surgery. Hydrocolloid dressings applied after surgery help shield the skin as it heals. Alginate wound dressing, CMC gelling fiber dressings, silicone foam dressings, and foam dressings for heels can absorb exudate and provide a moist environment to create favorable healing conditions. Moreover, these wound care dressings are also easy and non-invasive to remove.
Grade 5
At Grade 5, previously healed skin undergoes ulceration or bleeding when exposed to external forces, making it difficult to self-heal. Patients may need admission for infection control treatment.
Advanced wound care dressing solutions like hydrocolloid dressings and silicone foam dressings can easily stick to the surrounding skin to protect the wound. Silver alginate dressing, silver gelling fiber dressing, and silicone foam dressing can absorb exudate and lock in harmful components. It can reduce risks of wound infection and maceration and maintain the best moist healing environment.
Grade 6
Grade 6 involves very severe venous leg ulcers with extensive ulceration and infection. Deep, open wounds show signs of ongoing infection through pain and oozing. It also involves recurrent episodes of venous ulcers that haven't been properly treated.
Treatment focuses on intense infection control, either as an inpatient or outpatient. Advanced antimicrobial wound care dressing solutions, such as silicone foam dressing, silver alginate dressing, and activated charcoal super absorbent dressing, are applied to protect the wounds and prevent further infection. Close medical supervision is required as surgery may be needed for ulcers that do not improve.
Winner Medical Offers Advanced Wound Care Dressings
To effectively manage venous leg ulcers, it is important to implement preventive measures and seek treatment at early stages. Proper limb elevation and compression can help reduce swelling and vein damage over time. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits such as managing weight, staying active, and avoiding extended standing also aids prevention.
Once ulcers appear, it is crucial to protect wounds from further injury through wound care dressings while controlling infection and inflammation. Early intervention increases the likelihood of healing without severe complications. For effective wound care dressing solutions, Winner Medical offers a wide selection of advanced products tailored for different severity grades in venous leg ulcer treatment and management.
For over 30 years, we have been devoted to innovating cotton-based medical and consumer health products. As a company registered with numerous international certifications like the ISO, our products strictly adhere to pharmacopeia rules in the EU, US, Japan, and China. Our wound care dressing lines contain various styles appropriately sized for different ulcer grades, from general hydrocolloids to advanced silver alginate dressings. Customers receive comprehensive after-sales support services as well.
Venous leg ulcers require early intervention to prevent complications. Grading the severity of ulcers helps determine the right treatment approach involving dressings, elevating legs, and other protective measures. For ulcer dressing needs, Winner Medical offers a reliable portfolio of wound care products tailored for different wound conditions and healing stages. As a leading company in China's disposable medical industry, we uphold high quality and compliance standards through our advanced manufacturing capabilities and robust quality system. Reach out to browse our extensive product catalog!
[1] Venous Leg Ulcer. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK567802/ (Accessed: 30 January 2024)
[2] Venous Ulcers. Available at: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/venous-ulcers (Accessed: 30 January 2024)