ByWinner Medical
Nowadays, advanced wound care products, Ag Foam Dressing Non-Adhesive, Ag Foam Dressing Adhesive, Silicone Ag Foam Dressing, Silicone Ag Foam Dressing with Border, and PHMB Foam Dressing Non-Adhesive, PHMB Foam Dressing Adhesive, Silicone PHMB Foam Dressing, Silicone PHMB Foam Dressing with Border, from Winner Medical, pass 510(K), which are permitted in American Market.
And the customers can find it at the database of FDA https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfPMN/pmn.cfm.
As the following,
More products, please visit https://www.winnermedical.com/solutions-products/