Gauze Bandage

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Gauze Bandage

Gauze Bandage

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Gauze Bandage Description

It is made of 100% high-quality pure cotton yarn by degreasing and bleaching. And it is white and soft. It can be divided into trimming and selvedge. The product adopts ordinary grade non-sterile packaging.

Gauze Bandage Advantages

1. It is made of 100% natural high-quality cotton. It is white and soft absorbent gauze cloth, and has strong water absorption.

, and has strong water absorption.

2. It has strong tightness and good water absorption.

3. No fluorescent agent, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-sensitizing.

Scope of Gauze Bandage Application

It can be used for auxiliary hemostasis, bandaging and fixation of injured parts.
