Silicone Foam Dressing With Border with High Quality - Winner Medical

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Silicone Foam Dressing With Border

Silicone Foam Dressing With Border
Silicone Foam Dressing With Border
Silicone Foam Dressing With Border
Silicone Foam Dressing With Border
Silicone Foam Dressing With Border
Silicone Foam Dressing With Border

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Intelligent dressing for exudate management, high liquid absorption and high breathability

Silicone foam dressing with border significantly improves absorption and retention through combining the advantage of foam and super absorbent fiber. It effectively absorbs exudate through silicone net from the wound,and provides a moist wound healing environment to promote wound healing. The silicone wound contact layer can minimize pain and trauma when dressing changes, and enhances patient's comfort. The waterproof outer layer protects the wound from dirt and bacteria.





Silicone foam dressing with border is indicated to moderat to heavy exuding wounds, such as leg and foot ulcers, pressure ulcers and traumatic wound, can be used for second burns, donor sites, post-operative wounds and skin abrasions.





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