Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)

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Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)

Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)
Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)
Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)
Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core)

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Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core) Description

It is composed of a layer of glued transparent polyurethane film and release paper. It is convenient to use and is suitable for joints and other parts of the body.

Cost effective-from procurement to sterilization, our one-site purchase systemprovides you complete supply chain, give you most cost effective choice

Easy storage-the all-in-one and ready-to-use sterile dressing kits are suitable for many healthcare settings, components are sequentially packaged, compact packaging is easy to store and deliver.

Transparent Film Dressing Certification



Transparent Film Dressing Feature

Effectively absorb exudates,protect wound.

Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core) Advantages

Good waterproof performance brings safe care to patients.

Transparent Film Dressing (without/with core) Application

It is suitable for fixing indwelling needles, catheters, medical dressings, and so on.
