1. Case Details
patient was bedridden for a long time due to the confusion. During the
medical treatment, a nasal feeding tube and oxygen mask atomizing tube
were needed, which could easily cause compression of the auricle or
reverse folding and compression during turning over.
2. Therapeutic Schedule
this case, multiple kinds of tubes were used for care, causing pressure
on the auricle. NAIFUSHENG was used to cover the auricle. During use,
there was no pressure injury caused by the instrument and no swelling on
the compressed area within one week of use. The pain was significantly
3. Method of Use
1) The auricle should be washed with saline and dried.
Ultra-thin hydrocolloid dressing of NAIFUSHENG should be cut into a
shape of about 5*8cm. An incision of 1cm should be cut at the interval
of 0.5cm on each side. The dress was longitudinally folded in half. The
dress was pasted along the hairline behind the ears. Gradually cover the
front of the auricle forward and paste it along with the pad.
3) Warm the application with the temperature of the hand to make the dressing fit better.
4. Clinical Experience
NAIFUSHENG is with good flexibility and compliance. It is suitable for
the treatment of wounds with a small amount of exudate in some parts
with high mobility or to prevent the occurrence of pressure injuries
caused by medical devices.
2) Compared with similar products, the viscosity is moderate without damage to the skin.
Compared with similar products, it is more malleable and can be used as
a fixed connection between the drainage tube and ostomy bag.